The courses in this field of study impart skills for the planning, construction and optimization of energy generation, storage and distribution systems. Research and development in the area of renewable energies and innovative technologies is also an important topic.
Energy Technology, Energy Management
As a result of the energy transition in Germany, energy production from renewable resources has become more important. At the same time, innovative solutions for energy storage and distribution are also being worked on.
The field of study at a glance
Offered courses
In addition to “Electrical Energy Technology”, the subjects in this area also include courses such as “Renewable Energies”, “Energy Economics” and “Renewable Raw Materials and Bioenergy”.
The courses are usually offered at an undergraduate and postgraduate level and, depending on the subject, can be studied at universities and technical colleges.
Contents of the course
The bachelor's program teaches engineering (including mechanical engineering, process engineering and electrical engineering) and basic scientific and mathematical content. Other topics include direct and alternating current technology; modeling, simulation and optimization methods; Plant and usage concepts for renewable and conventional energy technology; Skills for planning and operating systems for the use and storage of renewable energies. In addition, political, legal and social conditions are also discussed.
In the master's program, students can deepen the basics or specialize, for example in biomass, wind energy or process technology.
In most cases, an internship lasting several weeks is completed alongside your studies.
Admission criteria & application for study
Depending on the university, a preliminary internship is recommended or even mandatory.
Career opportunities after graduation
Graduates of these courses find jobs in technical fields, especially in the area of research, planning, development and operation of plants for the use of renewable energies, also in the economic marketing of corresponding products and services or in consulting. The export of innovative technologies and know-how as well as the further development of the young field of work abroad require corresponding foreign language skills and intercultural competences.