
Arts and Music

There are many ways to express yourself artistically- be it on stage, at the computer, with an instrument or a brush in your hand. If you want to implement creative ideas, develop artistically and develop your own style, you will find numerous options in the art and music study area.

The area includes courses of study in which artistic potential and talent are in demand. These include courses that deal with art and music, theater or film from a scientific, theoretical or educational perspective. There are also those in which the focus is on one's own artistic and creative work.

The artistic degree programs include Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Film, Television, Acting, Creation, Graphics, Design, Theater Studies, Music, Musicology, Music Education, Art Science, History, and Education.

In addition to a strong artistic and creative talent, what is required is initiative, motivation, flexibility, resilience, perseverance and fun in networking. It is not uncommon for studies in this area to lead to freelance work.

Suitability for a course of study is often determined through selection procedures. Aptitude tests usually take place. However, a folder with artistic work samples may also be required, for example in the area of design. In music there are auditions, in theater there are auditions.

Study Fields